The mind is a great tool most of us take for granted. Many things affect it for good or ill, but we...
Category - Videos
A Family’s Love Is Forever
Many of us derail our paths as we grow up, times change and as we grow into adulthood we hit a...
What Is A Paradigm Shift And How It Could Change Your Life...
When you are a child, it is from all the people around you, and your environment that you start to...
60 Second Trick To Help You Relax And Sleep
With regular practice, I found out these types of techniques to actually help out relax and even...
The Hidden Knowledge To Understand The Law Of Attraction
One of the primary things that affects our life directly is due to our perception. Our perception can be seen as the combination of beliefs, habits, and actions. When we create an unproductive or...
Plants Can Think And Do Things You Never Knew (video)
I was listening to this video on my way to work and couldn’t help but think that actually all life has some sort of consciousness, we have simply been too sleep and busy to even begin to notice...