Many of us derail our paths as we grow up, times change and as we grow into adulthood we hit a special phase of our lives where our ego is most affected by selfishness and indifference especially towards the people who care most about us.
This is a beautiful story about how a father and son couldn’t see eye to eye with all their previous fights and differences. Most caring parents want only what is best for their children, they would be willing to do anything for them.
But for many, it doesn’t always turn out so well as many young people go off on paths where they take the family for granted.
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YES! I Want a CopyThis story illustrates something wonderful, a chaotic father-son relationship is going from bad to worse, but then something happened…
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Try not to cry when you see this…
“How easy it is for us to forget what it was like when we were once family?
The times we shared.
How easy it is for us to forget how to love.
How easy it is for us to forget how to smile.
It’s easy to forget.
But it’s even harder…Not to love.”