Category - Entrepreneurship

news, articles, and ideas to achieve financial freedom with positive thinking

How to Start a Home-Based Business (Plus 10 Ideas)

Starting a home-based business is an exciting and often daunting journey. Many entrepreneurs come to the decision to start a business from their home because it can offer an abundance of freedoms and...

How To Start To Create Success And Abundance

According to Anthony Robbins, author of the book Unlimited Power, a person after having been surrounded by limitations can move towards success through certain particular elements. In this sense, it...

Financial Stress Part 2: Understanding Value

Being in a situation of financial stress is always challenging, but when it comes to value before we even get to the money part there is one special thing that so far in my experience and...

When You Absolutely Hate Your Job

More than ever before I started seeing this in people all over the place. People are really starting to hate the 9-5 job model. Do you know one of those people out there hating what they do in their...