I walked where I could, kilometers of crazy adventures to heal and be fit in that healing. Every time I got a chance you would find me next to an old highway or road, making my way to my next destination. I used to walk along the beach for sometime, just the calm air from the sea and the flat beachfront path to keep me on my journey. ]
A simple concrete path filled with other like-minded joggers or walkers at any time of the day.
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YES! I Want a CopyWhat all these little things did was a gradual change back to my healthier self. I am still a little larger, not by drastic means but 15 months later I have still not returned to my old normality. That is ok! This healing takes many many many months and you have to understand that journey.
What this story is written for is not to say I am amazing! It is to simply say that humans are creatures built through gradual change. You have to start somewhere! You will not be Miss Universe or The Rock overnight. Truth is you may never be one of them.
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The message is that becoming your best is not about comparing to others. It is simply about starting! Start somewhere and you will be happy long term. My story is simple…the worst accident in the world can still lead you to bliss and prosperity.
Paul McMahon is an up and coming author as a result of an accident where he fell 3.5 floors to concrete. He survived but had a Brain Injury for a short period and a host of other physical injuries. He has a Facebook page that you can follow if you like the story or like his travel blog. The message is that you should always be proud to be alive, so many do not have that privilege. The worst accident in the world can still direct you into bliss and prosperity.