I was hanging out in my backyard garden, watering my plants. I sat for a little while taking a break and of course I had to pull my iPhone and browse around the internet.
Since I was in “gardening” mode I was looking around at different ideas and found this! It’s so simple and easy to make, you probably have most if not all that is required to make it.
Basically, you get some sand, a pack of sea shells or other decor pieces you might like. Then with an inexpensive rounded glass cover, you can turn any old pot into an outdoor table.
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Not only is it a good way to repurpose old pots, but it looks really nice and best of all, it’s really easy to put together.
So next time you feel like working on a small project but don’t want it to be so complicated or for it to take long hours or days, this is definitely a good one to work on.