This is a popular and powerful topic which came up at the recent Manifesting Excellence get-together. There is so much I can say on it but for now I will share some tips below and we can cover more over time if you’d like me to (let me know in the comments below if you would!)
Letting Go To Manifest
Attachment can be about pretty much anything: people, possessions, the past, our looks/bodies, jobs, money, the present – anything!
It is not so much about what you are attached to but more so the constricting of your flow from the attachment that limits your life and prevents new happenings, opportunities, experiences and so much more coming in.
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YES! I Want a CopyHere are some tips on ‘letting go’… you can reply to this and let me know what you think!
1 – Letting Go is Not Necessarily Letting Go of What You Want but to the Resistance (Attachment) to What You Want – Thus You ALLOW and RECEIVE it Better Into Your Life.
You can manifest just by ‘letting go’ and not necessarily actively ‘chasing’ something and trying to ‘make’ it happen (not that I am recommending that – there are many ways of manifesting, but I’m saying it can be done), it is something I have done regularly and we have seen happen on Manifesting Excellence a lot too.
2 – Are You Attached to the Who, What, Where, When How etc?
The key word here is ‘attached’, is it something that is taking you out of your flow or into your flow?
If you want to be with a particular love and it is taking you into your flow there does not necessarily need to be anything wrong with that.
But if you are thinking of someone and pining over them believing you cannot/will not have them, it is probably taking you out of flow (especially as there is likely to be attention to ‘lack’ on some level).
Similarly, when you think about money does it take you into or out of your flow?
Cleaning up beliefs and perspectives about a subject will change your attraction to it and of it coming into your life. If you want help, join us on Manifesting Excellence.
3 – Are You Constricting Your Flow or Expanding and Allowing it?
It’s ALL about universal/spiritual energy (or whatever you want to call it… Universe, God, your Higher Self etc) and the connection between you and ‘it’ (which is just another aspect of you).
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The thoughts you think and emotions you feel: are they leading to CONGRUENCE or incongruence?
Are they opening up the cells of your body to receive? Or are you tightening up, anxious, scared etc?
When do you feel your best? In moving towards what you are congruent with, you will also be moving away from the fear and scarcity energy connected to attachment.
When you move towards (and beyond) ‘letting go’, the universe finds solutions for you beyond what you ever thought.
But when you attach (and identify) yourself to old paradigms that do not serve you, you limit the ways the broader universe can come into and influence your life.
The post 3 Tips to “Letting Go” And Manifest More Easily appeared first on Manifesting and Law of Attraction.
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