Our life is full of challenges. Every single day is uncertain, you never know what day is going to be your last, you never know if you will make it to see the rays of the sun from the next day. But even in such chaotic world, we can choose to live day to day in a different way. We can choose to look at a world in a different set of lens.
No matter what one can be going through at any particular point in time, we can change a few things that have the power of shifting how we perceive the world and how we perceive and experience life.
Instead of waking up with uncertainty we can wake up with enthusiasm and optimism, seeing the unknown as opportunities to experience something new and fresh.
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YES! I Want a CopySome say life is short, yet others say it’s not the time that counts but what you choose to do with the time you have. I agree.
If you have lived life with anxiety and uncertainty, take a step back to reassess your own situation. It doesn’t take much to see how you are feeling at this point in time. You know when you feel unhappy overall, and you know when you feel happy.
Take action. If you don’t like what’s happening in your life, if you are unhappy, do something different, redirect the same energy you have used to blame yourself or others. Use this energy to focus on those things you have ignored, the people that matter, the people and the things that make you feel a sense of purpose.
Learn from other people’s experiences. Take for example what a 100 year old man’s advice is about living a happy life. This is what Rosario learned when he visited his uncle’s to celebrate his 100th birthday:
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In a world full of sad, negative and divisive news, I’ve decided to share a message that will inspire you to celebrate life. My uncle turned 100 over the weekend. I drove from New York to Virginia Beach to ask him a question. I wanted to know, what advice he would give a young person who wants to live to a hundred and be as happy and healthy as he is. He didn’t even hesitate to tell me, “Don’t make a problem bigger than it is.
Don’t make a problem bigger than life itself.” He then said, “Also, remember that when you get to my age you can eat your birthday cake without worrying about what it’s going to do to your physique.” He laughed and proceeded to eat his cake.
Doesn’t he look phenomenal?

source: Instagram
So there you have it, “Don’t make a problem bigger than it is”