Inspiring Stories

Finding Strength In Weakness And Difficulty

find your strength in difficulty

bruisedKneepost“What stocking shelves all night on your knees looks like. My precious daughter is how I find my strength when I feel weak, I know that there are better days to come and this is only temporary. I will continue working hard to be where I want to be and provide my daughter a better future. And for those fortunate enough to be in school, you have the upper hand, so learn to appreciate and use those resources and pursue your dreams vigorously!” – Mike T.

These were the words of a young adult who found out at a very early age that becoming a father at a young age was not only a big responsibility but also a journey that requires you to stay extra strong when faced by adversity, weakness and everyday challenges.

Many of us are familiar with this, and all of us have experienced a point where we felt pressed against a wall, weak and battered. Near the point where we just want to drop the towel and give up.

But it is moments like these that ignite something within us, a burning flame that gets us to do things we never imagined, or we dared not do. Our creativity awakens, and we start seeing a clearer picture of what we want to create. There is no time for whining and beating oneself up.

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This is that moment when we have found the one thing that gives us that extra strength, and this is how we find it…

How to find what gives you strength in difficulty

Many of us have different drivers that motivates us in life, some of these motivators might be more egotistic,  some more giving. But the ones that really move mountains are the ones that are deep-felt within the heart.

It can be anything or anyone, it can be a vision of an experience you wish to have, the person you want to be with, or the life you want to live for you and your family.

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You will know what your greatest strength is when you feel it to the bone, a burning sensation in your veins and in your heart.

Everything becomes crystal-clear, you have a mission that you can see as bright as day. There is no stopping you now.

All the pain of the stumbling rocks in the road of your journey is only felt so that you can look at life and take every failure, every drop of sweat and exhaustion only as a reminder of what is really driving you to reach your goal.

Every person who places their intention, acts, and succeeds at their goal knows that their greatest growth has happened when they faced and overcame their greatest difficulties, failures, and pains.

Success is what you define it to be.

So look for what you feel deep within, focus on that, and focus on what that picture looks like as if you have already reached your goal.

After all, you are a creative being. You can make anything happen.