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3 Steps to Unblock Your Subconscious Mind and Draw In Prosperity

happiness at the beach

Step 3: Incant.

Your emotions are the lever that moves the world. Whatever you think about, whatever you vividly see inside your head, you draw in more of.

So, if you’re a worrier, a fretter, or if your current thought patterns aren’t conducive to a life of abundance, then incantations are the way to change them.

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Not affirmations; incantations. The difference is huge.

Incantations are a technique that the famous motivational speaker Tony Robbins uses to grease the wheel of fortune and open wide the floodgates of abundance in his clients’ lives.

According to Robbins,’affirmations’ are “just words on a page. They evoke no emotional response.”

In other words, as far as using them to call in prosperity and abundance, you might as well be screaming into a pillow – the vibrations won’t travel.

‘Incantations’, on the other hand, are personalized statements that evoke an emotional reaction so powerful that it permanently alters your thought patterns.

So the key here is emotion.

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Don’t just say it; FEEL it.

The more you evoke EMOTIONS with your incantations, the stronger your vibrational output is and the more forcefully and magnetically you draw in the prosperity that’s rightfully yours.

Here are a few sample affirmations (yours for the taking):

– Money flows to me constantly; I always have more than enough.
– I am worthy of abundance and I experience it every day.
– I am solvent and prosperous. My life is rich and sweet.
– Money is my friend; we’re always together and always will be.

If you’re still not sure how to turn yourself into a success, money, and happiness magnet, CLICK HERE to see a free presentation I put together. In it, I teach you a simple vibrational technique called’Destiny Tuning’ which automatically triples your vibrational output and forces the Universe to bring in MORE of what you love.

If you’re feeling stuck, if you want MORE, if you want to take your life to the next level of abundance, click here to check out the free presentation now.

By Heather Mathews

Photo credit: thephotographymuse