Category - Mind & Heart Development

news, articles, and other information about spiritual development and mental health well-being

Getting Good At Battling Stress

Does getting good at it mean you completely ignore it and pretend everything is good? Does it mean that you just somehow gain the power to never be stressed out at all? There is more to pretending to...

What Does “Think Positive” Really Mean?

You don’t have to believe nor disbelieve anything I say here, just as you should treat anything you hear, read, or see out there… But do keep an open mind. We all have many questions but...

9 Signs You Are Too Stressed And Not Even Know It

For humans, stress is a natural reaction to problems that we can’t immediately figure out. When a dangerous or worrisome situation presents itself, our bodies respond by releasing both cortisol and...

Why You Should Live In The Present

Transform Your Life by Living in the Now Sometimes people feel bad for many reasons, but they tend to miss the point as they must live in the now. The power of the now must not be underestimated...

Let Go Of What You Cannot Control

Think of the time when something didn’t work out in your life the way you wanted. How did you feel? Did you do all in your power to regain control, or accept the situation as it is? Many people are...