Category - Mind & Heart Development

news, articles, and other information about spiritual development and mental health well-being

Can Time Heal All Wounds?

  When loss is too heavy to bear, the aching void just cannot be filled no matter how you try to convince yourself that the wounds will heal through time. The wounds may have healed but the...

The Most Inspiring Affirmations To Live By

The Optimist’s Creed was originally written by Christian D. Larson. This remains to date a truly inspirational list of statements and affirmations to remind us of the values to follow in order...

4 Ways To Help You Overcome Feeling Worthless

Do you feel like you’re not good enough sometimes? I bet you do. It’s human nature to feel like everybody else is better than us sometimes. Circumstances such as divorce, financial...

Finding The Road To Emotional Freedom

How would it feel if you finally got over your daily worries, you let go depression, you allow anger to go away, or any other form of devastating emotion? Emotional freedom is an essential way to...