When loss is too heavy to bear, the aching void just cannot be filled no matter how you try to convince yourself that the wounds will heal through time. The wounds may have healed but the...
Category - Mind & Heart Development
news, articles, and other information about spiritual development and mental health well-being
The Most Inspiring Affirmations To Live By
The Optimist’s Creed was originally written by Christian D. Larson. This remains to date a truly inspirational list of statements and affirmations to remind us of the values to follow in order...
When Others Take You For Granted: These Are The Things You Want To Do
Every once in a while, we’re all taken for granted by the people around us. Our families, friends, colleagues, or partners, take advantage of our kindness, expecting more from us than is right...
5 Practical Ways to Overcome Recurrent Negative Thinking
Some people are fond of being on the negative side of life irrespective of the good things happening around them. While some of these people have tried all possible means to stop this ugly monster...
4 Ways To Help You Overcome Feeling Worthless
Do you feel like you’re not good enough sometimes? I bet you do. It’s human nature to feel like everybody else is better than us sometimes. Circumstances such as divorce, financial...
How To Become Positive Without Having To Repress Your Emotions
Shifting negative, worrisome thoughts to more empowering ones will help us gradually shift our energy from negative to positive. Many self-help authors reveal to “be positive” because developing a...
When You Are About To Give Up And Then Discover Something
Happiness Starts With Positive Thinking And You. I was deeply depressed all the time and unhappy with life. People who kept saying, “Your goals and dreams in life aren’t realistic and you will...
Simple Everyday Activities With Meditative Effects
Life is entitled to endless journeys that are full of hardships which are consistent, for this reason, one requires a break after such struggles. Fortunately, there is a away in which you may...
Counting Your Blessings Are The Key To Attracting Good Things In Your Life
There is an almost magical “formula” that goes beyond science and logic, perhaps you can begin to understand it as a more spiritual experience. Whenever you have and express feelings of...
Finding The Road To Emotional Freedom
How would it feel if you finally got over your daily worries, you let go depression, you allow anger to go away, or any other form of devastating emotion? Emotional freedom is an essential way to...