Having trouble dealing with negativity in your life? There will be obstacles to overcome whether you are dealing with negative thoughts or negative people. It is difficult to remove negativity from...
Category - Personal Development
The Science of Empowement: Ending the Victim Consciousness
Epi basically means “above” and so in this case it’s like saying that once you come to this realization of self and begin to understand who or what you are, you can therefore...
7 Things We Learn by Overcoming Difficult Dark Moments in Our Lives
We all have had a difficult moment in life, that is just how life is; it sometime throws us some serious ***** and we are at the receiving end of it. Life is full of difficulties and problems, it is...
The People I Listened to On The Internet That Changed My Life
It is common to find some type of coaching behind many of those who are successful and overall happy in life. Part of that reason is because having someone that constantly pushes us and drives us to...
Where Negativity Or Positivity In Your Life Starts
Thinking positive is a decision you make to focus on the good things in life and not be dominated by the more negative and destructive things. You must remember that in just about everything you...
Simplify Your Life: The Essentials You Need to Know
What does it mean to live a simpler life? Simplicity is the intentional pursuit of living with less. It means living without excess, and it has a range of benefits, including saving money, reducing...
Life Is An Echo
What you put out in life comes back to you in one way or another. The law of attraction states that like attracts like. If you put out negative thoughts, then negative things will most likely happen...
How to Transition From Being a Pessimist to an Optimist
Optimism and pessimism are two different mindsets that can have an impact on how we feel about the world, our lives, and ourselves. Optimism is a way of looking at life with a glass half full...
The Secret to Happiness in the Face of Adversity
There are so many things to be grateful for in life. Whether it’s your family, health, or partner, there are always good things happening. However, every now and then, we have an experience...
Lessons Learned in Life That Help Us Grow
No matter how long your journey, you’ll always learn something new. We all have problems and we all have heartbreak. But we’re not alone in this world. We’re surrounded by people...