Category - Life

When It’s Time to Reinvent Yourself

Reinventing yourself is not about becoming a completely different person and letting go of who you have been all these years, but making positive changes in your life to be the best version of who...

5-Minute Test Guesses What Your Life is Like

Wow, I gotta say I was very amazed by this. I will say what I got at the end of this article so I don’t potentially ruin it for anyone that is reading this for the first time. It’s worth...

5 Signs You May be an Empath

  Empath, may be also known as Clairsentience. It’s seen as an extra-ordinary form of sensory perception where some people acquire psychic knowledge by means of their own feelings or...

Remaining Calm When You Are Under Pressure

  We all face times when we feel our patience and calmness is being tested. Maybe you have a big event coming up, a speaking arrangement, a business presentation, or maybe someone is putting the...

How Positive Daily Affirmations Can Help

  What do you think of people with a purpose-less sense of life? Do they have interesting conversations, or show genuine compassion? Do you believe that they live happy lives? Maybe their...

5 Common LOA Manifesting Mistakes People Make

I see one thing as almost for certain: When you are trying to make something happen and you immediately see it as it being impossible, then it is. It’s much like blocking the chances and even...

10 Top Stress Inspirational Quotes

Stress is the body’s way of responding to any threat, demand or challenge. For many of us, stress is so common that it has become our way of life. Sometimes, stress can be a positive force motivating...