Category - Blog

All articles about positive thinking, law of attraction and other mental health related articles

5 Reasons To Overcome Fear Of Failure

In life, stepping out of your comfort zone seems like the biggest decision that most of us are not willing to take. There is one common reason taking a risk is the hardest thing to do–...

Mindset Quotes Impact Your External Experience

Develop a positive mindset Developing a positive mindset with quotes is an excellent way to start making changes in your life from wherever you are. Even when living in a bad environment...

The Mind-Body Healing Connection

There is always a connection between the mind and body, and there should be no separation in the way our healing is treated as it is for the most part today. Until about 300 years ago almost every...

How To Love Yourself Unconditionally

Although you are always encouraged to love others, what many forget to tell you is that for you to love others you have to love yourself. Otherwise how would you love another person, enjoy his or her...

How To Achieve Your True Potential

When you learn to face your fears, you’ll move to a new threshold. You begin to move towards the empowering direction as opposed to a dis-empowering direction. Ultimately, this will lead to an...