Personal Development

Stop Self-Criticism: 3 Steps to Overcome Your Negative Mind

3 Steps to Stop Self-Criticism


Acceptance is the first thing you should do to stop self-criticism. It doesn’t mean that you should accept to live in that way, it means accepting for being who you are and what you are is what matter most.

Be Contented

When you learned to accept yourself, be contented on everything you have. Being contented and grateful for what you have, you will realize that you have more than enough.

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Improve Yourself

When you are contented about you, that doesn’t mean you should not going to improve yourself. Even though you are contented, keep improving yourself. If you’re not happy in your body, then accept that you were born in that way and go to gym. Whatever your self-criticism, always find a way to work on it.

By Gladys Batenga from Choki Art 

About the author

Gladys Batenga

I am Gladys and I have been working online since 2013. I am passionate in anything I love to do which includes writing and art. Flexibility is the key to show my skills, knowledge, and abilities for self-improvement, not just for myself and the industry I work for but also to see the positive impact in our society.