Blog Success

When You Are You Scared Of Failing

when you are scared of failing

The real question you should be asking yourself is:

Who are you afraid to fail in front of?

Your mom? Best friend? A sibling? A mentor? That is what holds people back. That their choice won’t be accepted by someone they admire or look up to.

You might think you’re doing so well because you have a nice, solid life and your loved ones accept it and support it.

And maybe you’ve achieved your dream and that’s amazing. But you can’t give a s@#$ about what other people think of you. Yes, not even your parents.

If you truly trust and believe in yourself, you will learn to do this and they will learn to accept your decisions. And if you fail and people laugh at you, they’re not worth your time. Ignore them.

People will criticize you. They will say mean things, maybe even if hateful things because they’re jealous you’re getting out there and doing your thing. And that’s okay. It’s all okay. You’re doing you and they don’t affect that.

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Once you overcome your fear of failure, there is no stopping you. See it as a stepping stone, see it as a learning experience to help you on the next step.

When you see it this way you will only realize that you are the number one person to halt your own progress or your greatest motivator to make things happen.

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Sources: The Onion | Entrepreneur | Medium | Photo credit: Sjoerd Wijn