Inspiring Stories Relationships

A Must-Read Whether You Are Married Or Not

failing relationship story

Being in a relationship is one of the most exciting things that can happen as it gives way to other beautiful things and marriage is one of them.

It is not just a contract, but for many it is a serious sacrament that binds couples who have made a vow of standing by each other for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.

Unfortunately, there are circumstances that can break promises and vows. When emotional needs are not met, it is easy to turn away from your spouse and find someone that can fulfill your needs.

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We realize that while we are busy searching for someone to fill the emotional void, our spouse is also hoping to lean on us.

Sometimes, we need to be reminded of how things were for us to realize what we are missing. Hopefully, it is not yet too late before we realize what we are missing.

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The story shows the importance of intimacy in married life.

But above else the importance of the little details, the little things which make up the real essence of our lives.

Get your tissues ready…

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