Wow, I gotta say I was very amazed by this. I will say what I got at the end of this article so I don’t potentially ruin it for anyone that is reading this for the first time. It’s worth reading until the end I can tell you that.
Read the first part, and continue each step as described, do not skip to the end as it will ruin the experience.
Let me know what you got, I’d love to see what kinds of results you all got. 🙂
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I want you to imagine a desert, stretching out as far as your eyes can see. In this desert is a cube.
Your first task is to describe the cube. What does it look like? How large is it? What is it made of? Where exactly is it?
There are no right answers here, only your answers. Take a moment before you continue – the detail is important.
As you look at the desert and your cube, you notice there is also a ladder. Your second task (there are just five) is to describe the ladder. What is it made of? How big is it? Where is it, in relation to the cube?
Now imagine that in the scene there is a horse. (Yes, a horse. I didn’t say this desert made sense). Your third task: describe the horse. Most importantly: where is the horse, and what is it doing? Where, if anywhere, is it going?
We’re nearly there now. In the scene before you are flowers. Your penultimate task: describe the flowers. How many are there? What do they look like? Where are they, in relation to the horse, cube, ladder, and sand?
Final question. In the desert, there is a storm. Describe the storm. What type of storm is it? Is it near, or far? What direction is it headed? Does it affect the horse, flowers, cube, or ladder?
If you’ve been playing along, this is going to be fun. If you didn’t, I must warn you: the next part ruins your ability to play this game ever again. If you won’t want to ruin it forever, go back now. Trust me.
Ready? There’s no going back.
If you skipped to this line, you must go back and read it from the beginning or it won’t make any sense at all, so make sure you do that before you go on…
The cube is yourself.
The size is ostensibly your ego: a large cube means you’re pretty sure of yourself, a small cube less so.
The vertical placement of the cube is how grounded you are. Resting on the sand? You’re probably pretty down to earth. Floating in the sky? Your head is in the clouds.
The cube’s material conveys how open you are: transparent cubes belong to transparent people, opaque cubes are more protective of their minds. Glowing? You’re likely a positive person, who aims to raise the spirits of others. Made of granite? You’re likely protective and resilient.
The trick here is that when asked to describe a blank, abstract entity – a cube – your imagination will tend to project its own identity onto it. This trick is as old as time, but it’s about to get more interesting.
The ladder represents your friends.
Are your friends leaning on the cube? Your friends depend on you and are close. Is the ladder frail, or robust? Tall or short? Does it lead inside the cube? Or is it cast to one side, lying unloved on the sand? By now you should be able to draw your own conclusions.
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Surprised, amazed, or having fun yet? It gets even better…
The horse represents your dream partner.
The type of horse reveals a lot about what you yearn for in a partner. Some people see a steady brown workhorse, others a shining Pegasus or unicorn. Make of these people what you will.
Is your horse nuzzling your cube affectionately, or taking a bite out of it? Is it far from your cube, or walking away? This can represent a current partner, or an aspirational one, but the results are often a mix of touching and hilarious.
The flowers represent children.
The number of flowers relates to how many you imagine having. Some people see just a single, withered daisy; others a resplendent garden covering the cube and desert beneath. (Guys: watch out for those).
The color and vitality of the flowers can speak to their health and presumed prosperity. The placement – particularly in relation to the cube – can reveal interesting relations; I met one woman whose horse was eating their flowers.
The last one can be revealing and eye-opening to your current situation in life. Let’s see it.
Finally, the storm represents a threat.
This speaks to the current state of the person, and how they perceive risk in their life. Some may see a distant storm, on the lip of the horizon, fading from sight. Others may view themselves in the midst of a thunderous apocalypse, hailstones the size of tennis balls pelting their fragile cube and horse. Chances are those people have some immediate trauma in their life.
Here’s what I got
My cube was small compared to the vastness of the desert, it laid quietly and well-rested upon the center on the sand. It was made out of mostly transparent glass, and it reflected a strong light as if from the sun.
The ladder was long enough to raise above the cube and it was leaning on it.
My horse was a calm brown horse with white hair and some white patches on it. Mostly it was standing close by to the cube and ladder.
The flowers were mostly on the right side, there were quite a few of them, more than I could count. They were mostly yellow and white, fully grown as when you see them in spring, with lush green stems and leaves.
The storm was far away on the horizon, and it was actually moving away instead of coming my way.
What did you get? I would love to see your results.
Here’s another one you may want to try out:
What Is Your Dominant Psychological Trait?
Source: OliverEmberton Photo credit: Nimish Gogri