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5 Downloadable Relaxing Adult Coloring Exercises

colorful abstract painting

It really feels good to unplug from the demands and distractions of life and you do not have to go far to do that. You just need to extract your creative juices and you will be able to find some great ideas to relieve your stress without necessarily spending some cash.

While most adults consider coloring exercises an activity for kids, there are now some downloadable versions that are specially created for adults. There are plenty of options for you to choose from and work on.

There is a creative way to release your stress and if you think coloring exercises are only for kids, there are downloadable exercises you can try so you can de-stress. There are plenty of interesting designs and you will sure love all of them. If you want to relax your mind, these coloring exercises are going to be a great idea.

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Click the title for the original websites and print the larger size of the exercise.

#1 Native American

Native American image

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#2 Mandala Flower

mandala flower

#3 The Ocean

the ocean image

#4 The Hummingbird

hummingbird image

#5 A Fox

fox image

See 5 more at: 10 Stunning Adult Colouring Exercises For You To Download!