Mind & Heart Development

3 Things That Help You Overcome Addictions

Addiction is a common struggle among many people in the world. We are addicted to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, pornography and lying, just to mention a few. The process of overcoming addiction can be long and rocky, to say the least. But, with long-term commitment to wellness, you can kick your bad habit for good and live a healthier, happier and more satisfying life. Here are 3 things that can help you how to overcome addiction:

Complete Honesty

Many addicts never admit they have a problem. Instead, they lie about everything to hide their destructive behaviors. However, what you may not know is that lying only traps you more into your addiction. The more you lie, the more you’ll hate yourself and want to escape from the mess in your life. This leads to more addictive behaviors and more lying.

To break this cycle, you have to be honest with yourself and the people supporting you – your doctor, therapist, family, friends, pastor, support group or accountability partner. First, admit to yourself that you have a problem and need help. Then talk to the people you trust and tell them everything about your addiction. Be completely honest with what you say; otherwise they won’t be able to get the best help for you.

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Positive Support

It is normal to feel ashamed and isolate yourself when you are addicted to something. However, you can not overcome addiction of any kind on your own. So, decide consciously to stop hiding and seek help. Depending on what habit you’re trying to stop, you can go for counseling, outpatient treatment programs or join a support group.

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But most importantly, you need positive support from your family members and friends as you recover. You need people who will assure you that you are on the right path and support you in everyway they can to become better.


The road to recovery from your addiction is not going to be easy. Some days will be more difficult than others, but every positive effort you make will bring you closer to achieving your goal. Therefore, be very patient with yourself and have realistic expectations of the recovery process. Don’t rush things; let your healing come naturally at its own time.

Overall, with the right treatment, consistency in your recovery efforts, positive support from your loved ones, patience and honesty with yourself and others, you’ll surely be able to overcome whatever addiction you have. It’s just a matter of time before your life gets better.