True love is indeed very subjective and people often look for signs that will help them identify if they have found true love.
In fact, when two souls meet, couples who are head-over-heels in love will regard each other as soul mates.
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YES! I Want a CopyMarried couples are not necessarily soul mates. They can be best friends, partners for life, missing piece of each other’s puzzle etc.
Soul mates can be just a term of endearment, but to some it could mean something more profound. Are soul mates real or just a figment of one’s imagination?
But if I hadn’t met him, I think my life would still be pretty good. I wasn’t waiting for someone else to come along and rescue me from my horrible existence. I had a good existence before him. I was loved and cared for and fought for by a Father that made me whole in a way no one else could.
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Soon I’m going to let my daughters in on the “soul mate” secret. That it’s made up and dangerous and unrealistic. That their God loves them more than any man ever could and that no one will ever come along and complete them the way they long to be completed. Their longing isn’t of this world.
But that isn’t to say I don’t want them to find amazing husbands one day. It’s something I pray about often, asking God to be molding those young men–wherever they are–to be good mates for my girls, to be strong men of God, to have character above everything else.
But that they don’t look to complete a girl’s life, either. That they’re pretty good on their own and then they meet one of my amazing daughters and they’ll want to do life together. And serve God together. Because He’s their soul mate. He’s their whole.
source: my husband is not my soul mate