Which one are you?
The person filled with optimism who sees the glass as half-full or the one filled with pessimism who sees the glass as half-empty?
Each person views life in different perspectives and how you see life affects the way you live it.
Some individuals have high hopes, looking for a silver lining behind every dark cloud, but others see the world in livid colors,no longer hoping things will get better.
When you stay positive, you also attract positive things. It allows you to take the first step to resolving your problems.
It sheds light to the questions that linger in your mind. In other words, it opens the doors to many great possibilities.
Being positive can have a rippling effect on you. If you maintain positivism, you are also attracting positive things, but if you are full of negativity, you lose hope and embrace pessimism.
Life may give you a series of challenges, but when you focus on the bad things that these trials entail, you will have palled thoughts, believing that there is no way you can solve your problems. Even if you feel like giving up the fight, think of the greater rewards if you were to continue and win the battle.