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“We’re Only Human”—Why You May Want To Rethink The Use Of This Phrase

woman thinking

Let’s focus on our positive, amazing qualities

So in this artificial comparison with some unknown but obviously better being, we keep ourselves down. We keep ourselves small, and insignificant, and unimportant, and powerless to whatever is better than who we are. We need to stop doing this to ourselves – and to others – and we need to start embracing who we are.

Because whoever we are, chances are high we’ve already achieved amazing things that we simply forget to focus on because we keep trying to move forward toward something better, unnaturally. We can’t move forward until we love and appreciate where we are. We live in a contrasting environment, so wherever we are – there are things to like and things to dislike about it. All we have to do – ever – is to make the choice to focus on the positive and start building a force of habit around this choice.

Just think of the impressive things we’ve accomplished, as human beings. The Golden Gate bridge. The France – United Kingdom tunnel. The skyline in Dubai. We did that. Maybe not you and me, but human beings did that. Aren’t these things a few examples of the many amazing things we have and are accomplishing, as human beings?

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Shouldn’t we be naturally proud of who we are? Shouldn’t we empower ourselves to our ability to create, to our inner guidance, and to our power of choice? Shouldn’t we stop comparing ourselves and feeling inferior, thus diminishing who we are and what we can do?

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Now is the best time to appreciate who we are, to focus on our natural positive qualities, to improve our negative qualities, to move forward understanding there’s always contrast. There’s always a potential for negative. There’s always potential to call something a mistake. Just like there is always the potential to do better. To think and feel before we act. To be deliberate. To be positive. To be who we really are and to appreciate the full range of our qualities, abilities, emotions, and choices – as human beings.

What will you choose today? Will you choose to keep comparing yourself with the unknown? Will you choose to keep yourself small and insignificant? Or will you start choosing to embrace who you are and be proud of it?

I would like to know what you think about this. Leave your comments below.

Photo credit: Nathan Csonka Photography via / CC BY