In an attempt to save the fish, this adorable dog has suddenly gained a myriad of appreciation from Internet users. Even the dog demonstrated genuine care and compassion. The video shows its...
Category - Inspiring Stories
This Is How A Tortoise Helps A Friend In Need
For a long time many people have looked down on animals, thinking they are not smart and don’t have intelligence or feelings. But is it that animals are evolving or could it be the age of this...
Bionic Implant Gives Blind Man More Reasons To See The Brighter Side Of Life
People who are visually impaired live in darkness and with the support and care of their loved ones, they are able to cope with the challenges that life throws at them. A 68-year-old blind man...
A Wedding That She Will Never Forget After Her Dad Died. Her Brother Leaves The Whole Room In Tears With What He Did.
One of the biggest heartbreaks for a bride is the loss of her father, especially right before her wedding. The mixed feelings of joy and sorrow are felt knowing that dad won’t be walking her...
3 Steps to Unblock Your Subconscious Mind and Draw In Prosperity
Recently, I was speaking with a female client, Donna. She’s got three beautiful kids, a loving husband, lots of friends, and she recently started her own business. You’d think she’d...
Homeless Man’s Good Deed Gets Him The Surprise of His Life
These are the kinds of stories worth making go viral as they create an effect that touches many people’s lives and inspires them to act in a good way towards their fellow people around. Not...
Where Happiness Really Starts
Growing up may be the hardest part of life. It’s the time when we seek our path of what we truly want in life. We keep looking for something or someone that we think will make us happy. But...
When You Are About To Give Up And Then Discover Something
Happiness Starts With Positive Thinking And You. I was deeply depressed all the time and unhappy with life. People who kept saying, “Your goals and dreams in life aren’t realistic and you will...
7 Things That Will Make You Smile When You’re Feeling Down
Cheer up, don’t let the bad moments take the best of you! Everyone has their ups and downs and if this is one of those down moments, here are a few things to help you out a little. Remember...
How Self-Empowerment Can Change Your Life
Just a few years ago I was in deep trouble, living with a highly negative state of mind. “Why not?” I thought, after all, there are all kinds of negative people all around me, people who...