Category - Blog

All articles about positive thinking, law of attraction and other mental health related articles

New Research Uncovers Real Causes of Depression

The blog written by Dr. Mercola is indeed a big revelation, considering the fact that most individuals believe that depression is caused by unbalanced brain chemicals. The article presented some...

Top 25 Inspirational Quotes

25 of the top “How To Think Positive” Inspirational Quotes The following is a list of some of the top inspirational quotes shared from How To Think Positive website. Hope these inspire...

Where You Should Never Expect To Find Happiness

Happiness is a relentless pursuit. Unfortunately, not everyone finds true happiness. In fact, you can be in a situation wherein you truly believe that you have already found someone or something that...

Why Should We Believe In Good Things?

  Which one are you? The person filled with optimism who sees the glass as half-full or the one filled with pessimism who sees the glass as half-empty? Each person views life in different...

The 2 Top Reasons Why People Change

People change either for the better or for the worse. If you used to put your trust in everyone easily, past experiences make you extra careful and doubtful. Why do people change? People change for...

Why We Want Other People To Like Us

It seems that it is much easier to follow the crowd than to embrace uniqueness for fear of being pushed aside. In a society where you become a specimen being peered at under a microscope, your...

Never Let Happiness Depend On A Relationship

When relationships fail, you spend all your life looking for the person that can give you true happiness. You jump from one relationship to another, hoping that things will change for the better...