Blog Mind & Heart Development

There Is No Need To Tell Lies, Cheat, Or Step On Other People In Order To Move Ahead In Life Or Business

helping others to succeed in life and business

You cannot help anyone without paying a price. Sometimes, it is money, some other times it may be time or reputation. Almost always you are required to spend some amount of energy. Whatever be the price, pay it. Only then you will be able to enjoy the good energy that comes back to you in return.

However, it is important that you do not expect anything in return. In today’s world, the thought that drives most people is “what do I get in return?” Remove this thought from your mind and help people without expecting them to return your good deed.

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You will be surprised to note that you will be filled with joy and a feeling of fulfillment in several other ways.

Choosing to help others without seeking your own gain would get you your freedom. It results in liberty and you will lead a life that sees less of stress, anxiety, frustration. You will begin to feel more fulfilled, complete and alive.

In fact, helping others eliminates your need for a pecking order which in turn is a great weight removed from your shoulders. Real joy comes to you when you serve others and not when you are being served.