There’s an author named Leo Tolstoy, he said: “Boredom is the desire for desires.” This is one quote that hits right at home with all the countries currently in lockdown and the government telling people to isolate themselves at home to prevent any spread of that Covid-19
Self-isolation appears to be a good way to avoid becoming infected and contributed to the slow down on the spread of the disease. If everyone and I mean everyone was isolated for a month, the spread of the pandemic would probably stop.
Of course, for every single person in the world to be isolated like that is impossible to achieve, and there are many other factors in this so-called pandemic which I will not get into here, but the reality is that many of us are still stuck at home, and for many, this leads to boredom.
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YES! I Want a CopyNot only that but, boredom can also lead to stress, and maybe even depression. You may feel that the pandemic has reduced your lifestyle. Introverts may not find any change in their already quiet lives, but they may even feel a little rebellious as they are told to stay inside. It is human nature. But there are many things you can do at home.
Start on projects that take time to be completed.
Go and get yourself a 10,000 piece puzzle. Now, this is something that you and your family will be able to spend hours on, plus you’ll be able to connect that much needed time you need to have with family. Here’s a nice and interesting one.
Alternatively, you can decide to start writing the book you’ve always dreamed of writing.
Or maybe you wanted to learn oil painting. Or start improving your guitar playing skills. There is a lot of things you can do inside your home and now is a good time to do it.
This activity is very important and beneficial. Remember how you used to say, “But I don’t have time to go to the gym.”
Well, guess what? You now have all the time in the world to exercise at home. Most gyms are closed these days. So, it’s the best time to start exercising at home.
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Spend time with your family
Very often we are caught between juggling our careers and families. With more time at home now, you can catch up on lost time with your spouse and children.
Participate in fun activities like board games or even video games. Remember, a family that plays together stays together.
Plan your next vacation
Of course, you won’t be able to go anywhere now, but things are temporary now and will eventually get better. The good news, however, is that you can have the same type of excitement planning your future trip right now.
Where are you going? What are you going to do/see? Where will you stay?
So many questions … and you and your family can spend time together looking for the answers. Once you know how everything is going to go, it’s just a matter of waiting until the situation has run its course and has subsided so you can start your dream vacation.
Social media
Social media can be a double-edged sword. While it may help you pass the time, it is also full of drama and debate, which can affect your spirits and vibe.
Use social media for entertainment and AVOID engaging in contradicting discussions at all costs.
Ideally, spend no more than 30 minutes on social media at one time. This will prevent you from falling into a pit of useless discussions with people going crazy online, or becoming addicted to the platform itself.
Netflix and “relax”
What better way to spend time with your spouse/partner than to curl up in front of the TV and watch the latest TV shows … and if the show is boring, you can always just “relax”.
Some married couples have not “relaxed” for so long that they have become virgins again. This period of isolation at home can bring passion back to your relationship, if you allow it.
At the end of the day, whenever you find activities to participate in, you will keep boredom at bay. You just need to discover what you are passionate about and focus your attention there.
Where your attention goes, your energy goes. Keep your activities fun and productive and you may discover that you are actually happier now at home. That is a good place to be.