At times, we are only focused on a single aspect of working that we tend to set aside its social aspect. We are used to the routine of going to work and going home once our job is done, unmindful of the fact that we are already missing one essential quality that can improve our social skills- listening.
When was the last time you stop by a colleague’s cubicle for a small talk? Listening is one way to create a connection and bridge the gap. If you have trouble remembering every bit of detail of the conversation you had with a co-worker, it’s about time you hone your listening skills.
1. Stop doing too much.
You’re not impressing anyone with that anymore. Prioritize the hell out of your to-do list, get it done, then lift your head and invite someone out for coffee or a walk around the block.
Try to start carving out 20 minutes in your afternoon and scheduling in a walk with a colleague. If you do this a few afternoons a week, within a couple of months you’ll have spent some quality time with a number of colleagues that you may never have had the opportunity to get to know otherwise. You’ll also benefit from the fresh air and exercise!2. Don’t. Ever. Multitask.
Stop kidding yourself — humans are horrendous multitaskers. This is actually scientifically proven; one study showed that people who tried to do more than one thing at a time suffered from a reduced ability to concentrate on the task at hand, and were more prone to distraction. If you are writing an email in a meeting, you are 100 percent not listening to whoever is talking. Do one thing at a time, and do it well.
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3. Get over wanting to look busy.
That means you can stop pretending to be doing something frightfully important on your phone the next time you pass a colleague in the hallway. Try looking up, smiling, and saying hello instead. This can be a massive comfort-zone shaker, but you can do it — you’re a professional!
4. Inquire.
Good listeners ask good questions. If you’re not used to doing this, try to think up a few questions to ask the next time you’re talking to a colleague. You’ll probably learn a lot from their answers — about them, their role in the company, and what you two have in common.
5. Go device-less.
Seriously. Block out an hour in your schedule to put your phone on silent, close your laptop, and do something that doesn’t require a screen. A study by Microsoft found that device-related distractions have lowered our attention spans from an average of 12 seconds to just 8. That’s shorter than the attention span of a goldfish!
Source: The 5 Tricks To Becoming A Stellar Listener at Work
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