
6 Great Apps For Anyone Living With Anxiety

apps for iphone and android to help with stress and anxiety

apps for iphone and android to help with stress and anxiety

Technology has come a long way, and for those living during these times, we have all noticed that stress has become increasingly more problematic nowadays than it ever was before. The following are some helpful ways in how technology can be used to help with this a little.

This is in the form of apps that many can use since most people now have an iPhone or Android-based smartphone. I just want to remind you that these apps are no substitute for professional help. You can however give them a try.

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1- Stop Negativity Feeling

stop negative feelings app

What it costs: $1.99(iOS only)
What it helps with: Recording and analyzing your feelings
What it offers: Stop Negativity App helps you record your feelings (positive /or negative) towards everyday life. Then it helps you analyze what part of life you feel negative or positive about. It is surprising to see the data that you never thought existed (.i.e. what you feel good/bad about). It is good if you are positive about many things. For the areas which you are negative it is up to you to find reasons why you are being negative.

2- Pacifica

Pacifica app

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What it costs: Free (iOS & Android)
What it helps with: Anxiety
What it offers: Pacifica lets you rate and track mood over time, and provides guided deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises, daily antianxiety experiments, and health goals. Users can record their own thoughts to help analyze and understand their thinking patterns, as well as discover and track possible triggers.

3- Breathe2Relax

What it costs: Free (iOS & Android)
What it helps with: Anxiety, anger, mood instability
What it offers: This no-fuss app, developed by the National Center for Telehealth & Technology, guides you through diaphragmatic breathing (or “belly breathing”), allows you to record your own stress level, and provides informative videos and graphics about the consequences of stress.

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