Blog Personal Development

3 Ways Low Self Esteem Can Suck The Life Out Of You

low self esteem can suck the life out of you

Prone to Fear, Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, fear, depression and low self-esteem are like best buddies; they go hand in hand. People who suffer from low self-esteem live in constant anxiety and fear.

They usually suffer from self-esteem attacks (also referred to as panic attacks) when they think that others have noticed ”stupid” things they did, or things that confirm their feelings of inadequacy or incompetence.

When this happens, they may become aggressive and attack, or withdraw and isolate themselves while feeling humiliated, embarrassed and depressed.

Their recovery from the panic attack may take, minutes, hours, days or even years depending on how serious they perceive their mistake to be.

As if that’s not bad enough, they fear asking for help because they believe that it’s an admission of their inadequacy.

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