Category - Mind & Heart Development

news, articles, and other information about spiritual development and mental health well-being

7 Ways On How To Deal With Past Mistakes

Mistakes…. we all make mistakes, right? Some of them mabe trivial and some may have far reaching consequences. Whatever the outcome, it is not good to dwell on past mistakes, but accept them...

Start To Unleash The Power Within You

Denver Broncos Quarterback Peyton Manning has it, and used it to set the record for most touchdown passes completed. Steve Jobs had it, and used it to launch Apple. And guess what? YOU have it too...

How Society Got Loneliness All Wrong

Turning Loneliness Into The Best Time Of Your Life. In modern society people are expected to be outgoing and have a lot of friends. Number of friends on social networks or in real life has become the...

The Best Ingredient for Overcoming a Bad Day

Have you been having a bad day? Let’s shine a little light to help you out here; remember that bad days do not last forever. Being optimistic of better times ahead and focusing on the good...