Blog Mind & Heart Development

Positive Thinking Through Personal Development

What is Personal Development, and How Does it Relate to Positive Thinking?

personal development and positive thinking
Positive thinking can be thought of as a product of Personal Development. As you strive to live a life with a path where you pursue success, happiness, spirituality or whatever is it that you have a goal in mind for to self-improve, your mind then almost automatically becomes aligned with positive feelings and thoughts

There is no doubt that these “times” can be seeing as many as tough times, but it is also important to realize that these times are also some of the best when it comes to the resources that we now have available, resources such as the Internet that previous generations simply did not have access to. So if you want to pursue a fulfilling life through positive thinking, we need to have a better idea of what personal development is, and there is a great article from The Emotion Machine that defines this in a very easy to understand way:

Personal development is the study and practice of improving one’s life, especially our career, education, relationships, health, happiness, productivity, spirituality, and other personal goals. Common aspects of personal development include goal setting, motivation, changing habits, improving awareness, identifying one’s values and beliefs, and self-actualization.

Personal development has a rich history that includes influences from Ancient Greek philosophy, Eastern and Western religions, Existentialism, Psychoanalysis, Hypnotherapy, Gestalt Therapy, and Humanistic Psychology.

Today many concepts and theories in personal development have begun to be tested scientifically in domains of Clinical Psychology (especially therapies like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy), as well as research in Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Neuroscience.

Personal development has never been more alive than today. Ever since humans first became conscious they have been in pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. And throughout our written history we have learned a lot about different ways we can improve our lives. Now equipped with the science of modern psychology, humans have more resources and information available than ever before on how to live a better life.


Personal development is not something that can be learned and absorbed over night. In my mind, it is a never-ending process. Our lives are always changing, and thus there are always new and better ways for us to think and act. Everything is in a constant state of flux, and there is always progress to be made. It’s not a bad thing – it keeps life interesting.

How Can Personal Development Help in Positive Thinking

As you begin to study yourself, and learn about some of the ways that you can succeed in life in whatever area you are trying to improve, your self awareness increases dramatically, the awareness that you are actually more of an “energetic” type of being rather than a physical piece of meat and bone, starts to open a new world of possibilities where limitations start fading out, it is then when you start to see a new potential in yourself.

Keep in mind that positive thinking through personal development is indeed more of a way of life, and the more you study what you are about, the more you’re equipped and aware of how to change your negative circumstances. But really it only comes down to whatever is it that you want, as you have the freedom to decide to pursue negative or positive things leading to equally manifested results

Learn more:

See How I Personally Used The Law of Attraction to Create Massive Change in My Life:

How To Think Positive: The Law of Attraction, A Quick Guide to Your Hidden Manifesting Power

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Discover the Law of Attraction's Missing Ingredient That Most People Just Don't Get:

The Law of Attraction's Missing Ingredient ebook