Mind & Heart Development

Healing The Past That Still Affects Us Today

All of us live in a great world where we experience duality, the experience of going through a wide range of emotions and situations we live both as negative and positive.

A lot of times, the negative experiences, although they help us grow wiser as we go through our life experiences, are often painful. But there is a way that can help to start healing the past.

Self-esteem and emotional wounds of childhood and how to begin to heal in adulthood

To begin to heal our self-esteem and to know ourselves more, we must recognize what has damaged us to heal our inner self.

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The emotional wounds that we live in childhood affect us throughout life, even in the stages of young and adult life. So it is so necessary to do introspection, that is, to know ourselves deeply, to stop in our active life, reflect on us, what we have experienced since we were young.

Learn how to detoxify from negative thoughts and emotions to begin to heal from within. This way, we will heal our self-esteem and feel better. We will awaken our conscience by accepting that we are valuable people, with talent, authentic people, capable of giving us and contributing good things, realizing that we have enormous potential to do what we propose for well-being.

Childhood is a very important stage of our life. This is because in those early years is where we learn with many things, vocabulary, meanings, beliefs, but also emotions, thoughts, behaviors, from which we are forming our personality, self-esteem. Healthy or unhealthy self-esteem is reflected in the aspects of our lives (personal, family, school, social, work, couple) in our way of relating and how we face the challenges that arise in the young and adult life.

How emotional childhood wounds affect us

Traumas, called emotional wounds in childhood, will become part of our thoughts, emotions, and behavior when we are adolescents, young people, and adults, according to the thoughts they have planted in us.

When we were children, we learned by observing, listening, and it is from childhood that we acquired beliefs that we hear from adults and from people in general, beliefs that limited us in our development or beliefs that empowered us to feel good and achieve what we want.

It is worth mentioning that the adults who educated us, who directly or indirectly harmed us, likely did so from what they learned. To begin to heal our self-esteem, it is also good to recognize our emotions, accept and acknowledge that we feel angry and sad for what the adults caused in us. It is good to let out the repressed sadness and anger but in a way that does not affect other people and us.

In order to heal, there are different ways to channel emotions, for example, writing, shouting our pain on a cushion, in a safe place, not focusing our attention on blaming our parents or other adults with whom we grew up and encouraged us good or bad ideas about us and about life. We tend to look for “other” responsible people. The most important thing is to relearn, to take responsibility for ourselves, we are adults now, and we are aware of what we want or do not want in our lives.

From this moment, we become responsible for our inner child (of our inner self). Imagine as if you were your mom or dad, willing to love, educate and help your child to build healthy thoughts, emotions, help evolve in a loving and productive way.

Most of us do not understand that as humans, it is very special to be able to experience both; difficulty and joy, for that is how we gain light and growth. That is how we begin to understand that we are more unique beings.

What we do not understand is how to overcome many of the obstacles, hurts, and pains we go through in our lives.

I want to share a very powerful and practical method to help you cleanse your inner being, to help you release a lot of the pain and anger, to release the hurt and resentment that was caused by negative experiences of your past.

First of all, I want you to make a decision. This is very important.

Make the decision that from this point on, you will focus not on your past but on today and tomorrow, for there is no point in letting ourselves be haunted by our past. No healing can occur if we do not clear our negative stored emotions found deep within us.

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A Powerful Way For Healing The Past That Still Affects You Today

Start healing the past and move forward.

In a piece of paper, tune in to all the negative feelings you have inside, those that are still lingering in the depths of your being, remember all the negative experiences you lived, and with passion, write and write every single word that can describe the emotions you feel, it can be short sentences or just words.

Think of all the negative experiences that marked you, write them all down on this paper, write all the feelings that still affect you today.

If you cannot fit it all in one sheet of paper, go ahead and fill another sheet. Just make sure you remember all the negative experiences that are most affecting you even now and let all the emotions out onto this paper.

Once you have finished transferring all your emotions on paper, you may feel very negative and hurt having to remember all this, but trust me, it will help you heal. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

Now, preferably outside where you can get fresh air, safely burn that paper, and along with it, all the past hurts and negative emotions that don’t serve you and that you have stored within your heart all these years.

Feel a great weight lift from your shoulders, from your inner being, feel the freedom and the sweet fresh air fill your lungs as you watch those negative experiences vanish for good.

Now that you are free lift your head up and express gratitude for this opportunity of clearing your inner being. Now focus on the good things from this point on and take any new experiences not as bad but as learning experiences and focus on the good things that you have overlooked all these years.

For too long have you been stuck, and for too long have you wasted great amounts of energy and time with past memories of negative experiences that don’t serve you.

Feel the freedom, and move on with your life into a more positive one.

Learn more about the Self-Empowerment Awakening program I created to share my learning experiences and help others guide themselves on a more positive path.

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Photo source: Julie Jordan Scott