What’s your stance on this ideology – The more you say “yes,” the more you do. The more you do, the more productive you are?
It sounds reasonable. More output equals more productivity. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Productivity means investing time and energy, which in turn don’t have to mean more tangible or worthwhile returns.
You could do hours of work, but if it doesn’t translate into meaningful results, you are not productive. Don’t make the mistake and think that always saying “yes” drives success.
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YES! I Want a CopyHere are six surprising reasons saying ‘NO’ makes you more productive.
1. You accomplish more.
Do you feel there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete everything on your schedule? Most people do. Determined to work through a long list of tasks, it’s hard to prioritize what’s vital.
One way to shorten your list is to say “no” to unnecessary tasks. If they aren’t in your field of expertise at work, for example, you shouldn’t be doing them.
Be selective of the tasks you accept, mindful of your capabilities and your time. With less on your plate, you can arrange a productive schedule and manage priorities efficiently.
2. By saying ‘NO’ you show that you think of your reputation.
When you learn to say “no” to commitments you know you can’t give adequate attention to, you prevent mediocre performance.
By doing this, you maintain a reputation for exceptional results. Smart people realize that accepting limits and exercising willpower to avoid over-commitment show dedication to superior standards.
3. By saying ‘NO’ you show that you think of the results.
Examine your responsibilities. Do you carry them out to the best of your ability?
Logic dictates you spend less time on each individual task as your workload increases. It’s reasonable to conclude this affects quality.
The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle, helps us to put things in perspective. The rule suggests 80% of results stem from only 20% of causes, or effort.
In other words, select the few consequential jobs to concentrate on. Assign skills and resources to those responsibilities and the high-quality work will be valuable, tangible output.
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If you always say “yes,” you reduce the effectiveness of your skills.
4. You can easily distinguish between essential and the non essential tasks.
The line between essential and non-essential blur when you are up to your elbows in work. Closer inspection will help you see what other tasks you erase from your workload because they are time consuming and won’t bring results, thus saving you more time.
Hold on to worthwhile jobs and let go of tasks that offer little value. Reject requests that offer benefits to the other party but not for you. In this way, you filter out corrosive elements from your life.
5. You build confidence.
You say “yes” for several reasons. You believe it will lead to further opportunities. It fosters self-worth because people depend on you more, or you lack the confidence to say “no.”
One way to overcome apprehension is to change the language you use. According to findings published in the Journal of Consumer Research, saying “don’t” instead of “can’t” helps you to stick to goals and see them through to success.
“I don’t work on weekends” is more effective than “I can’t work on weekends.” It lays down clear rules. Others become mindful of demands on your time and abilities.
Confidence to stand your ground rises irrespective of how people perceive you. It’s a strategy the world’s most successful entrepreneurs use to drive productivity and achieve unprecedented success.
When others respect your decisions and admire your commitment to current responsibilities, your self-esteem soars sky-high.
6. You improve your skills.
With more time available, you can work on your strengths and skills. You’re more aware of areas you excel in, but you also spot areas where you aren’t operating at your full potential.
Take corrective measures to improve abilities. Then go a step further and hone your skills so you amplify productivity.
When you say “no,” it doesn’t mean missed opportunities. The view that more is better is a flawed rationalization.
You just can’t please everyone. If you try, your productivity will suffer – but if you do manage to say “no” more often – you’ll be happier, less stressed, and more satisfied with your choices.