Category - Mind & Heart Development

news, articles, and other information about spiritual development and mental health well-being

I Am, An Inspiring Story

We humans are, at our most fundamental level, cooperative rather than competitive, and loving rather than hateful. When I was younger, I mistakenly believed that “happiness” meant being...

How Repetition Can Help You Reprogram Your Mind

Repetition is a very powerful tool that we all use every day. If you don't believe me, think about how often you say or think these words: "I will", "I will not", "I must", "I must not". You use...

The 7 Keys to Keep You Motivated

  Motivation and staying motivated is the key to accomplishing one’s goals. Everyone fails and feels disappointed at times and giving up is not the solution. Knowing how to keep motivated...

4 Steps To Living A Life Without Regrets

There are decisions we make that we regret in the end. However, if we let our regrets take over, we find it hard to move on with our lives as we are haunted with a series of questions. Regrets come...