
4 Habits Keeping You Poor Even With A Reasonable Income

financial difficulties

Not keeping a record of your money

We all think that we know where our money comes from and where it ends up. Sadly, that’s not true for most of us. We might be aware of our major expenditures, but the small things usually eat up our finances more than the big ones.

Lack of budgeting and/or poor budgeting

You might be documenting everything. Then again, you might be missing the starting point — a budget! Having a realistic and well-documented budget is the foundation of all your financial planning and success.

Ignoring your debt

For a lot of people in today’s world, interest eats up a huge portion of their finances. It’s a painful fact. Still, they don’t know how to get out of this vicious cycle, leaving them with little to no savings.

Constantly upgrading your electronic gadgets

There is no limit to it. While there is no harm in buying gadgets that you actually need, buying only because there is this next version of mobile available in the market will definitely cause you more harm than good.

Source: 8 Habits That Keep You Poor Even With A Reasonable Income