Archive - March 2015

Why Should We Believe In Good Things?

  Which one are you? The person filled with optimism who sees the glass as half-full or the one filled with pessimism who sees the glass as half-empty? Each person views life in different...

The 2 Top Reasons Why People Change

People change either for the better or for the worse. If you used to put your trust in everyone easily, past experiences make you extra careful and doubtful. Why do people change? People change for...

Why We Want Other People To Like Us

It seems that it is much easier to follow the crowd than to embrace uniqueness for fear of being pushed aside. In a society where you become a specimen being peered at under a microscope, your...

Never Let Happiness Depend On A Relationship

When relationships fail, you spend all your life looking for the person that can give you true happiness. You jump from one relationship to another, hoping that things will change for the better...

Can Time Heal All Wounds?

  When loss is too heavy to bear, the aching void just cannot be filled no matter how you try to convince yourself that the wounds will heal through time. The wounds may have healed but the...

Stop Existing And Start Living

“Life is short, don’t make it shorter”.  This quote may be somewhat humorous, but if you are going to delve deeper into it, you will come to realize that you really have to live...

Not Everyone Is As Kind As You

Do some people mistreat you even when you try to please them? Have you ever been insulted, bullied or rejected but still indifferent about these injustices, hoping that the situation will change...

The Most Inspiring Affirmations To Live By

The Optimist’s Creed was originally written by Christian D. Larson. This remains to date a truly inspirational list of statements and affirmations to remind us of the values to follow in order...